Monday, August 18, 2008

Favorite Time of Day

In the morning (when I'm on vacation, of course) when my husband has left for work, and the kids are still sleeping...
or possibly, at the end of a long day, when dinner is done and everyone is together in our family room, 4 people sharing one small couch, just because no one wants to sit apart from the group...
oe maybe even after that, when I curl up next to my husband in bed...


Veronica Garcia said...

Happy Vacationing!!! Again...

Laura Marchant said...

I have to say my favorite time of the day is after dinner too. There is just something so nice about everyone being together.

Chris said...

My favorite time is also in the morning. On the weekends I usually get up before anyone else and enjoy a little quiet time. And on the weekdays I get up a little earlier just so I can start my day out with a little peace.

Marmarbug said...

My fav time is night time.

Leanna said...

Hmm..I have to say on the weekend mornings when things are not so busy. I get to wake up in my hubby's arms and one by one the kids will stroll in and then Cole will be cooing on the monitor (he is the happiest in the mornings). We are all night owls so I am usually struggling to get everyone to go to bed...LOL.