Friday, April 4, 2008

Regularly Scheduled Blog

I'd PLANNED on writing a touching and amusing tribute to my darling son, who turns 10 today. He's an amazing person, and I'm proud to be his mother each and every day.
However, I've been very busy with Safe Haven issues, and have decided to share the mass email that I sent out this morning, in response to a 14 year old in Texas who hid her pregnancy, gave birth in the bathroom at school, and killed the baby by trying to flush him down the toilet.

It breaks my heart every time I hear a news story about a woman (or in this case, a CHILD) who hides a pregnancy and then kills the baby. I don't have sympathy for these women. They're scared, they panic.... but that doesn't explain murder.

Every time I see these stories, I contact the local media and ask them to report on the Safe Haven Law for their state. Every state has one now, these laws allow a parent to safely and legally give their child up if they cannot or will not care for him or her. There's no reason that any woman should feel so out of options that she kills her child. Ever.

There's even a national toll free crisis line. I've spoken with people that answer that line, they're amazingly helpful and compassionate. They offer to help women get to crisis centers or medical centers, they explain the options of adoption, safe havens...
Imagine the difference it could make if every woman knew that number. It's so simple. (888) 510-BABY - one phone call could let them know that they do have options. That someone cares about what happens to them. And their baby.

But instead, another woman sheltered a child for forty weeks, only to end his life just after it started.

Please, if you've taken the time to read this, tell someone about Safe Havens today. Tell a friend. Talk about it. You might just save a life.

For more information on Safe Havens in your state, or to volunteer, please visit

Thanks for your time and attention to this most important matter.

Jessica Martinez
Save Abandoned Babies Foundation in IL

Monday, March 31, 2008

Mondays With Freud

This morning I realized my silver Kenneth Cole purse had fallen off the kitchen table, onto the floor, not far from the cat box. I picked it up and discovered that little asshole peed on my purse! Heartbroken, I dropped it in the garbage and turned to leave. But the garbage lid kept popping back up - it was mocking me! I finally closed it and put something on top of it to keep it that way. What a rotten way to start my day.

Today is my first day back at work after being on vacation for just over a week. Not at all surprisingly, I had a dream last night that I was going to prison. Don't exactly need old Sigmund to figure this one out, eh? Sad, because I really do like my job. I just had so much fun last week that I didn't want it to end. Well, that, and having talked to my BFF about all things jail in the past few days. I suppose that could have colored my dream, too. I should really give up the dream interpretations.

Golden Boy will be TEN years old on Friday. TEN. Where does the time go??

In two weeks we'll be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. (suspicious timing there, huh?) Amazing. We're going to spend the night at the resort where we had our renewal of vows - which is pretty cool. I'm definitely looking forward to it. And my aforementioned BFF even offered to watch the kids for us - which makes a damn nice anniversary gift!