Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mostly Wordless Wednesday

Little man insisted on wearing his dress shoes, without socks, outside to play. He asked me to take a picture of his shoes while he was on the swing. I can't help but think there should be a caption underneath saying, "For just 20 cents a day, you can help a child like Belly ...."


Marmarbug said...

LOL!!!!! Kids!

J said...

"For just 20 cents a day..."
Sad thing is that's what I was thinking when I saw the picture!!

Chris said...

Funny! With out our kids our lives would be boring.

carrie said...

what the heck?? I wasn't expecting that last line and I almost choked on my meat snacks!!

Veronica Garcia said...

I SO agree with sissymerks! LOL!!!

Monique said...

OMG that is hillarious!

ProzacPoet said...

LMAO!! I was thinking before I read anything that those are some pretty sad looking little shoes and feet without socks.

Leanna said...

Cracking up!!!

Oh what comes 'from the mouths of babes'...

On Cole's blog you asked about his demeanor... yes, now that he is older he is as pleasant as his beautiful smile! I 'live' to make him happy especially since I know he is in pain from his CP. When he was younger he screamed (cried) all the time but is so much happier now (he does still have his moments when he is in pain).