Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Little Orphan Manny

Phone rings, 1:26am.
He: Are 6 months old legal?
Me: Wha..?
He: Are 6 months old legal?
Me: That depends on where they're from, I guess.
He: No, are 6 months old legal? Do you want him?
Me: Are we talking about Safe Haven? Did someone leave a baby somewhere??
He: NO, I said a SIX MONTH OLD BEAGLE, do you want him?

And this is a picture taken in my kitchen at roughly 3:45am. Why no, I don't need sleep, why do you ask?
Meet Little Dog. I'm guessing we're not going to keep him. Lucky for him I have a great home for him to move into, with someone who has been waiting for the right dog to come along. Well, it just so happens I have an extra dog here.....


Laura Marchant said...

Oh my goodness he is so cute!

lol about the conversation!

Veronica Garcia said...

Too fricken adorable. If I had the money I'd keep him. :(